Time to get your child potty trained?
Have you spent enough money buying diapers and time changing them.
You might have tried all the traditional ways of toilet training a child.
Here are three (3) strategies that are not mainstream, but highly successful in toilet training children.
These strategies are also very effective with neurodiverse children like children with autism or ADHD.

Tip number one (1) for toilet training - Gradual Exposure and Desensitization
It is normal for a child to be scared of the potty or the toilet. Some child with sensory disorders might not like the feeling of sitting on the potty. This challenge can be overcome by using a gradual exposure and desensitization approach.
Sit your child on the potty for literally 1 second and immediately praise them, then they get off. Repeat this many times until they seem to be able to handle a longer time. Slowly increase the time on the potty from 1 second to 2 seconds to 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, etc...
Tip number three (2) for toilet training - Make the environment fun and positive
A regular bathroom isn't really inviting or interesting for children. Slowly expose your children to the toilet environment. Before to get them to sit on the potty, the bathroom could just be one of the places where they play. It will allow them to become more familiar and comfortable with it.
To make the environment more fun and positive, add posters of your child's favorite superhero or movie. Leave toys in the bathroom that are strictly reserved to be used in the bathroom. Sing their favorite songs when you take them to the toilet.
If they are having fun, they are more likely to start using the potty.

Tip number two (3) for toilet training - Visual schedule and Reinforcements
If you are a regular reader of this blog, you know by now how much we like to use visuals and reinforcers.
To increase the chances of success, develop a visual schedule with the toileting routine steps. Each time a step is completed, praise or reinforce your child's progress. A simple high five, "that's amazing, you are doing so well" or giving them a sticker of their favorite super hero will motivate them to continue positively engaging in the process.
You can also use a token chart as a reinforcer. Each time a step is completed, your child gets a token to stick on the chart. Once they have all of the tokens, they access their reinforcer of choice. As always, the reinforcer will be faded out over time.
The visual schedule will reduce the stress of not knowing the expectations or what will happen next. It is great to make your child feel more confident and comfortable.
Every child is different and has different needs. If you feel like you've tried EVERYTHING and your child is still refusing to use the potty, schedule you book your complimentary call with our Board Certified Behavior Analyst to explore different strategies.